HKJUG March 2014 Meeting: Introduction to WildFly 8

This event is organised in association with Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Room M109, Floor 1, Core M, Li Ka Shing Tower
Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Map)


Thursday 27th March, 2014, From: 19.15 - 21:00


WildFly 8 (née JBoss Application Server) is Red Hat's open source Java EE 7 compliant application server. It contains robust implementations of WebSocket, Batch, JSON, Concurrency, JMS2, JAX-RS 2, CDI 1.1, and all Java EE 7 technologies. Undertow is the new cutting-edge web server in WildFly 8 and is designed for maximum throughput and scalability, including environments with over a million connections. The number of ports is reduced used by multiplexing protocols over HTTP using HTTP Upgrade.

Role Based Access Control support organizations with separated management responsibilities and restrictions. Roles represent different sets of permissions such as runtime operation execution, configuration areas that can read or written, and the ability to audit changes and manage users. In addition a new restricted audit log can be enabled including the ability to offload to a secure syslog server.

WildFly also provides a "core" distribution that is ideal for framework authors that want to build their own application runtime using the powerful WildFly 8 architecture.

NetBeans, IntelliJ, and Eclipse allow WildFly to be used for development, deployment, and debugging.

This session will provide an overview of all these features using several live demos.

Speaker Biography

Bruno Georges is the Director, Worldwide Application Platforms Engineering for JBoss, Red Hat. In his current role, Bruno leads the Application Server, Portal, Mobile and Framework engineering teams, responsible for the development and innovation of Red Hat’s JBoss Enterprise Middleware.

Bruno has over 20 years IT experience working in the Financial and Telco industries, where he has been primarily involved with the architecture of eCommerce Solutions and managing Software Development Teams. Bruno previously headed the Application Development Group at Glencore International AG, one of the world largest private companies based in Switzerland. He was responsible for initiating and driving the adoption of an Open Source based SOA strategy, leading to a highly successful deployment. Prior to Glencore, Bruno was the Lead Architect at XBridge Ltd, the UK's leading SME Finance Portal, and also served in other major Investment banking and Insurance Companies.

The event will start at 7.15 with half an hour setup/chat and then talk for 30 minutes and time to try Java 8 out for half an hour.

Room M109, Floor 1, Core M / Li Ka Shing Tower, Hong Kong Polytechnic University


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Normal Ticket

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